Sunghae Jun


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Professor, Dept. of Data Science
Data Engineering Lab, 06-512
Cheongju University
Chungbuk Korea 360-764,


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     (Proferssor, Jun)

In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. (Proverbs 16:9)

Every single One of you are a Marvel!

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[Research Interests]

[1] Journal Papers

[2] Presentationa, Talks and Books

[Lectures : 2024 Spring]

     1. Probability

     2. Data Mining

     3. Regression Analysis

     4. Data Science (´ëÇпø)


[Joyful works]

xmas2018.pngJ.B.  K.J. Y.S.

Y.S. Y.N.K.J. More


There is nothing more practical than a good theory. - V. Vapnik -

Designed by
Sunghae Jun










